Hi Everyone! (Introduce Yourself!)

Well as it so happens i haven't introduced my self either :?

Ummm i guess you all know a fair bit about me im 15, umm i hate my first name, kinda like Cooper Vuna so i go by my middle name...Yeah umm if you need to find anything else out just ask...its not my fault it took me over 1000 posts to do this :P :lol:
Untitled23 said:
Well hi there Brad. Welcome to the forum.


Smarty Pants :P ..

For the record 'Brogga' is just a nickname i go by. Dont ask me how i got it cause i dont know myself, but everyone seems to call me it so yeah... :D
Eh, I don't know where they would've put it. Good luck finding it though. haha.
Hi everyone.

Just joined here. Been a Knights supporter for about 9 years. About half of my life. :D

Live near Parramatta but will be always a Novocastrian at heart. :D
Welcome to the forum mate.

Be sure to stick around, kick-off's just around the corner.