Akuila Uate
They realised a long time ago they could get away without editors because it’s more important to be first, than right.I think you will find that actual journalism is one of the rarest trades on earth. All of it is tabloid worthy trash, “I gave birth to an alien” level of trash. I challenge you to read any article where there isn’t at least one spelling mistake or they haven’t repeated the same paragraph twice to fill in gaps or it’s literally contradicting itself.
I think they taught a bunch of idiots that ai programs can do all the work but they’ve become too lazy to proof read a damn thing. So when you ask a journalist for clarification, “I know you are you said you are” is about as strong a reply as you could possible expect.
Ultimately they publish what gets clicks. It’s rubbish, yes, but if people want something better they need to stop consuming it and actively seek out the people that do write decent stuff.
News corp journos days are numbered. As soon as AI can completely replace them, they’re all gone.
Fingers crossed Lachlan Murdoch loses his appeal and News Corp has to be split between all the siblings.