Calling all the plays in error-riddled, slow-paced under 18’s games is a very different proposition to doing it in the modern NRL though. And being the junior playmaker doesn’t mean you don’t have any organisational responsibilities - focusing on a particular segment of the field, organising your option runners away from the ball while the main playmaker thinks more about the game as a whole, and calling for it when you see something on, that’s a common way that you see young halves be built up. Cleary played that sort of role with Maloney early in his career, Dearden is also a more naturally gifted 7 than Madden who showed potential as the main organiser at Brisbane but is really flourishing as a second fiddle playing mostly on the left side, etc. I don’t think I agree that you put everything on his shoulders from day dot if we picked him up, that’s setting him up to fail.