KPP isn’t off contract for this yr. It’s next yr, so unless we release early because we’re guaranteed Pezet or Hunt for 25 season then he’s here for next yr.
Realistically we need him for next yr as too many roster ch ages won’t be beneficial for squad.
For next yr we need KPP starting with Lucas and Frizell in front row rotation. That is the perfect mould for us with Tommy Cant on bench. It’s a great mix for what is needed for momentum in forwards and ruck speed this modern game.
Frizz has great leg speed and a quick play the ball. Cant’s quick and great play the ball speed is important for his 10mins each half.
So my squad is
1. Ponga
2. Marzhew
3. Gagai
4. Best
5. Schiller (ya’ll sleeping on this guy)
6. Gamble
7. Cogger
8. Jsaf
9. Crossy
10. Frizell
11. Lucas
12. KPP
13. Elliot
14. Arthur
15. Leo
16. Hetherington/jones
17. Cant